Orion Rising Winter CSA 2024-2025
“Orion Rising” Winter Share: These pre-assembled boxes are delivered for eighteen weeks from late October to mid April. Our winter share is about the diverse bounty of selected crops rationally grown in the cool months. We do not try to grow truly out-of-season crops like hot-house tomatoes or cucumbers in the frigid months; these would take a huge amount of fuel to keep the greenhouses that warm. Instead, we grow and harvest about 240 cases weekly of greens and savory roots through the winter, most going to subscribers and our restaurant accounts. We succeed at winter farming because a) many old-fashioned crops have good amounts of cold hardiness if properly managed; b) we have bred excellent “freeze-tolerance” into the our winter crops, and we save and replant this seed, year after year; c) we have 3 large greenhouses for lettuces and herbs, and these are food reserves even when snow or ice blanket the outside crops; and d) we dress really, really warmly. PLEASE SEE THE APPLICATION FORM FOR APPROXIMATE DROP-OFF SITES and FEES IN 2024.
This CSA option gives priority to members who have subscribed with us before.
Winter 2024 - Spring 2025 Cost:
$689 (Credit Card / Paypal)
$666 (Check / Cash)
Our flocks of laying hens are predy happy, with predators currently at bay. The yes-egg option costs an additonal $117 ($121 w/credit card), for 18 dozens (1 dozen per delivery week). A separate check works best for us; late- joining members will be wait-listed to be yes-egg. In contrast, the main produce share has plenty of openings, especially before October.
In order to join, we must receive the completed registration form, and signature page of the contract.